Friday, November 12, 2010


Miami Beach, FL 2007. Lassie saves tree branch from drowning in the ocean

Why did you take the photo? Because I love dogs and thought this one was adorable
What decisions did you make in composing it? I took the picture as the dog was returning a stick a to me
How did your experience, background knowledge, or assumptions shape
this photo? Having pet dogs all my life made me want to take a frontal picture of the dog because I think its the best way to capture them
Try to imaging what kind of photograph the person in your picture might
take of you. If it were possible for a dog to do so, they would probably take a picture of me in the ocean.
What caption would that person add to such a photograph? Dumb human drowns in the ocean
What assumptions would "the other" make about you?

How might this exercise change the way you take travel photographs,
how you represent others, or what you assume when you snap pictures
of other people? I don't take very many photos but it I will probably now think about what kind of pictures they would take of me.
Can you conceive of a different way (or method) of representing
others in photographs? You could represent others with symbols that signify their essence

Friday, November 5, 2010


The picture of me seen above was taken last year at a friend’s birthday party. Instead of altering this image, I decided to crop my head out of the photo and use it to alter another photo.  By placing my head on top of Vladimir Puten, I made it seem like I actually met President Bush. I thought it would be funny to have a picture like this because President Bush will always be remembered for all of his shortcomings as president. By having a picture of us together it seems as if I was a big Bush supporter, and I endorse a lot of the things he has done in the past. However, when you look at the photo closely, it becomes obvious that the image is false. I have no ties to President Bush nor have I ever been anywhere near the vicinity of the man. Notice how the different lighting on both of our faces gives away the fact that my head was digitally added on top. To alter the image further, I took the second image, made it black and white, placed it within the borders of a Polaroid, and made it seem like it was pinned to my bulletin board. By drawing less attention to the photo and making it harder to see, it becomes harder to tell if it’s fake. By adding on layers like I did in this example, it becomes apparent how someone very skilled could fabricate any image they want.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Viva La White Girl

"Viva La White Girl"

Fame, fortune, platinum records.
It's every boys dream.

True story.
Somebody asked me one time.
Travie, you high.
You look high.
****, yeah I'm high.

Let's go.

The world is yours, so play the role.
Blow the dust off this record and put the needle down slow.
Our veins are cold, but we'll never grow old.
Let's have a toast, and raise our drinks.
No hearts on our sleeves, just eagles on our cuff links.
It's such a rush to know you love me so much.

We'll do whatever you want to.
Girl I'll make a movie star of you.
You know that I could,
If you let me be your Hollywood.

We'll get high, and hide.
We all lust to the glamorous,
white girl so fine.
Going up on the downtown line.
We'll get high, and hide.
We all lust to the glamorous,
white girl so fine.
Going up on the downtown line.

Take your razor, break down my line.
Put your nose to the speaker.
Now breathe in, breathe in.

Clean up your nose, and face the crowd.
Then kiss your mirror cause we're all stars now.
Isn't it fun how music makes your lips numb?

We'll do whatever you want to.
Girl I'll make a movie star of you.
You know that I could,
If you let me be your Hollywood.

We'll get high, and hide.
We all lust to the glamorous,
white girl so fine.
Going up on the downtown line.
We'll get high, and hide.
We all lust to the glamorous,
white girl so fine.
Going up on the downtown line.

Take your razor, break down my line.
Put your nose to the speaker.
Now breathe in, breathe in.

We'll get high, and hide.
We all lust to the glamorous,
white girl so fine.
Going up on the downtown line.
We'll get high, and hide.
We all lust to the glamorous,
white girl so fine.
Going up on the downtown line.

Breathe in.
Breathe in.
Breathe in.
Breathe in

Gym Class Heroes is an American band from Geneva, New York that blends modern rock with hip hop. You may know them for their hit song "Cupid's Chokehold" which reached #4 on the Billboard Hot 100. Gym Class Heroes is not known for having deep metaphors in their songs, for example, the song "Cupid's Chokehold" has a very simplistic meaning and has no other deeper message.  However, the song I’m going to be discussing, “Viva La White Girl,” is a song that actually makes great use of metaphors, even though they aren’t that hard to decipher. This song actually stirred up some controversy when it was released because of people who were unable to see the metaphors in the lyrics. On the surface level, the words are about fame, fortune and the drugs that always seem to follow. Many people were put off at such lines such as “Clean up your nose, and face the crowd. Then kiss the mirror cause were all-stars now.” At first glance it appears that the band is endorsing the usage of cocaine as a part of being music stars. However, the lead singer Travis McCoy cleverly uses cocaine as a metaphor for the music he feels flowing through his veins. The metaphor is very simple, but is used to make a meaningful, clever and catchy song. Surfing around the web, it is actually surprising how many people overlook the whole meaning of the song. There are hints everywhere such as: “Take your razor, break down my line. Put your nose to the speaker. Now breathe in, breathe in.”  By saying “Put your nose to the speaker,” the metaphor for music becomes quite obvious. Additionally, in the chorus McCoy repeatedly references a “white girl so fine.” White is a common term that refers to cocaine, but in this song cocaine is a metaphor, so the glamorous white girl we are lost to is music. The chorus ends up meaning that sometimes music makes you successful and you get “high”, other times you fail and you “hide” from the public eye, but we still keep on making music regardless. Music is a mistress who you can’t turn your back on. There are many songs out there that make better, deeper usage of metaphors; however “Viva La White Girl” will always stand out to me because I find music very important to life. It has its ups and downs, but no matter what you can never truly lose hold of it. My favorite line from the song is, “Blow the dust off this record and put the needle down slow. Our veins our cold, but we’ll never grow old,” which means: even if music ceases to be a part of your life, you can always find a way to rediscover it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Race for the Double Helix

In April 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick shook the scientific world with the double-helical model for the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. This image shows Watson (left) and Crick admiring their DNA model, which they built from tin and wire. Over the past 50 years, their model has evolved from a mere hypothesis to an icon of modern Biology. DNA, the substance of inheritance, is the most celebrated molecule of our time. The discovery of the structure of DNA is has enabled scientists to learn everything that we know today about genetics. Without this discovery, the fields of medicine, biotechnology, and many other areas would not be what they are now. Over the years, this image has transcended what it originally was: a simple photograph of the discovery of DNA structure; now it has grown to encompass much more.

Depending on your level of education, this picture may represent different things. To the uneducated, it may simply represent science. People have come to associate ball and stick molecule diagrams with science in general and thus recognize this picture as a photo of a big scientific discovery.  To someone who went to school this might more specifically represent the fields of biology and genetics. DNA is one of the most important concepts you learn about when you learn biology in high school and it is very likely that this picture appeared in your textbook. This photo has become a metonym for genetics, the study of inheritance. When I look at this picture, instantly the concepts of Mendelian genetics, basic chromosomal inheritance, and basic molecular inheritance come to mind. The double helix sketch on the back wall in the picture is also incredibly iconic. Movies like “Spiderman” and “The Incredible Hulk” have used images of DNA in gene splicing sequences to show how their respective superheroes inherited their powers. Even though there is no real scientific basis to these sequences, because of pictures like the Watson and Crick photo, the audience instantly understands what the movie is trying to convey. As we continue to discover and learn more about the world we live in, the details of this discovery may eventually fade, however this image will certainly outlive the written word, and persist to represent science, discovery and learning.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Collective Memory

Images can be a powerful tool for preserving memories. However when such images are mass produced and used as a representation of crucial events in history, a selective memory is formed where certain images and other information are deemed more important than others. In Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sontag claims, "All memory is individual, unreproducible-it dies with each person. What is called collective memory is not a remembering but a stipulating: that this is important, and this is the story and how it happened, with the pictures that lock the story in our minds" (86). What Sontag is saying, is that what we consider as collective memory or history is only a representation of what actually happened. The original memories, consisting of more than just images and words, are irreproducible feelings and thoughts that have been lost to the passage of time. What we are left with is a shallow retelling of a story. For example, think back to American history class. What comes to mind when you think of Washington crossing the Delaware? For most people, what immediately comes to mind is the famous image of Washington with his leg up on the bow of a small rowing boat crossing the river. For some people, the information from a textbook and "facts" about that event also come to mind. However, all of this history that has been passed down generation to generation is just a portrayal of what actually happened. As time passes and more history is accumulated, less and less of the information will be deemed important and our collective memory of American history will change.

Clint Eastwood's historical fiction, Letters from Iwo Jima, is another great example of Sontag's thought. The movie is a representation of the famous battle on the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese perspective. It was pieced together from the writings and memoirs of people that were actually there. However, the movie can never be anywhere near a true story of what actually happened. Somewhere along the way someone had to sort through all the information and deem what was important and unimportant. Letters from Iwo Jima actually serves to dictate what our collective memory of the battle is. If aliens from a distant planet were to learn about our culture and history, our representation of "the other" in this movie would be a reality to them. After seeing the movie I have formed my own memories of what happened at Iwo Jima. As I live my life, interact with people, and talk about the movie, my memories of this film will affect how others remember the event and thus shape our collective memory.

There is no solution to collective memory, nor do I see it as a problem; it simply exists. As world ages certain events will be deemed important, and others will be forgotten. It doesn't mean that the forgotten events are not important in other ways, but there is only so much we can collectively remember. I feel it is best that certain things are lost to the passage of time; just as people die so do memories. By the time these memories finally die they are so distorted from their original form they are practically waiting for the plug to be pulled.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lying on Facebook

Argument: My profile picture shows that I am a “Good Jew” and regularly practice Judaism.

Claim 1: The picture shows that I enjoy going to Jewish events and recently went to one, however I actually haven’t done anything Jewish in over a year.

From first glance at this photo and the caption, one would infer that all three of the people in the picture are Jewish and are attending an event, possibly a recent holiday such as Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur. The caption, “pretending to be good Jews” implies that we don’t usually go to a lot of Jewish events, but we decided to go to this one because it was important. We are all smiling, have our arms around each other and appear to be having a great time.  However, the truth of the picture is that my parents wanted us to go to services but none of us wanted to go. Instead of just not going, we went to Hillel on Rosh Hashanah and had the lobby receptionist take a picture of us, hence the caption “pretending to be good Jews.”

Claim 2: The picture implies that my friend on the right is Jewish even though he is actually Catholic

My friend Zach on the right is the only person in the picture wearing a Kippah, which is usually the tell-tale sign of a Jewish person. Ironically, he is the only person in the picture who is not Jewish. He simply just happened to be with us when we went to go take the picture. Even though you can’t tell, I am actually wearing a Kippah in the picture too, however because of the color of the Kippah and the angle of the photo, the Kippah isn’t visible.

So you’re probably wondering, “Why go through all this trouble for a stupid picture?” My answer is simple: “Lying is the most fun [you] can have without taking [your] clothes off” (Casanova, Facebook full of facades and lies). I wanted to make my mother happy that I went to services, so we thought of this funny idea and decided to go for it. The lie ended up turning the picture into a great story.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Get Shorty's

Shorty Pics


I chose to do this narrative the way I did to give the feeling of a long journey. As you read, there are pictures in the background that flow into each other to create a very linear feel to the story. Everything in the background directly relates to what is being said in the written text to help the reader visualize the whole adventure. I used actual pictures of the restaurant and food because they were available and most important to the story; however everything else was just images that could be related to the story. I used images such as the man traveling down the road to instill the feeling of hopelessness that I felt when we were lost. Then in contrast I used an image of a far off distant light to show the feeling of retribution we felt when we finally found our way. The pictures of the dog, the family, and the van are not the actual ones from my life, but they help the reader get a picture of the initial warm family setting that I was in before we get lost. I also used a comical picture of an angry man to show my frustration at the whole situation. Just saying I was angry doesn’t have the same emphasis that the picture adds.
The second narrative reads completely different than the first one. From only the images you can barely guess at the order of events that happened. You would probably only be able to infer that I went on a trip, got in a car crash, and wound up at Shorty’s. However, once you add the written text and arrange the pictures behind it, it paints a much more detailed account of the events.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Barthes’ Five Codes of Meaning in The Sixth Sense

*HER. “She said you came to the place where they buried her… asked her a question. She said the answer is: everyday. What did you ask?” The enigma posed by Cole is: what did his mother ask his grandmother at her burial place? This is formulated into a simple question directed at the mother. You know everything Cole previously says about the grandmother is true based on the mother’s reactions and emotions. She is crying deeply and holding her hands to her mouth in shock. You know an answer to the enigma is coming soon because the mother has been moved by what her son has said. However, she delays the answer because of her emotions and natural skepticism. She then gives a suspended answer in the form of her stammering because of how emotional and upset she is. She is struck so hard by what is said that she has trouble getting her voice to sound. Once she is able to speak she discloses the answer: “Do I make her proud?”

**SEM. When the mother is apologizing to Cole about missing his play she says, “I’d give anything to have been there.” This refers to later on in the scene when they discuss how Cole communicates with his late grandmother and how she actually was at the mother’s dance recital. Without knowing what is coming up ahead it is impossible to notice this subtlety. But after re-watching the scene you understand that there is a parallel relationship going on. By introducing this line earlier in the scene, the viewer can make a comparison to the relationship between the grandmother and mother, and the mother and son.

***SYM. The mother is wearing her seatbelt the entire time while Cole is not. This small notion signifies the mother’s insecurity about her own mother that is about to be addressed. All of the years since the grandmother’s death she had been unable to let go of the fight that happened between her and her mother before her dance recital. She doubts if her mother was ever proud of her and longs for an actual answer. Even though they are in dead lock traffic that doesn’t move an inch throughout the entire scene, she keeps her seatbelt on as a sign of her unresolved issues.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Orchestra Hero

When I try to visualize an orchestra, I usually end up thinking about something that looks along the lines of this image. As you can see, this is a very typical display of what an orchestra is composed of and how it is set up on the stage. Just by glancing at this image you can tell that it is composed of professional musicians based upon the looks of the players. They all have perfect posture and you can see that there is huge range in their age distribution. They’re also playing in a hall that is far nicer than most amateur orchestras play in. This picture appears to have been taken before the beginning of a concert because there is no maestro in front of the orchestra and the players are all sitting down. If they were standing I would probably assume they were standing for a round of applause at the end of the concert. Overall the image is very conventional. It makes good use of point of view by making you feel like you are in the audience at concert. If someone had never seen an orchestra before or didn’t know what one was, I would probably show them this image.

Now, here is the same image again, but this time I added in the guitar hero logo and made it an advertisement for the “next big video game,” “Orchestra Hero.” Just by adding in two words, I changed the entire meaning of the image. Before it was a beautiful photograph of a professional orchestra, now it’s a bad advertisement for an even worse video game. The image went from being pro music and art to being pro pop culture and technology. According to Faigley on page 53 in Picturing Texts, "The process of seeing a visual text is different from reading words. Words can be highlighted, boldfaced, capitalized, or italicized to draw a reader's attention to add emphasis where desired." For the added caption I decided to use the actual logo for the game "Guitar Hero." By doing so I added emphasis to show the viewer that I am parodying a popular video game. Had I simply written the words "Orchestra Hero" at the top, many people would probably not understand the reference.

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Little About Me

Hey everyone my name is Myles Stupp and I'm a second year Bio major at the University of Florida.  Some of my interests include creating digital media, producing and mixing electronic music, playing classical instruments, and enjoying other people's creations. I started playing music when I took up the piano in kindergarten. From there I began playing Tuba in middle school and played all the way to the University level. I have moderate to extensive knowledge in several multimedia software programs such as, Flash, Photoshop, Reason, Dreamweaver, Acid and others. I hope you all enjoy reading my future posts as they will be filled with lots of media created just for this class!

 This is an image I created in Photoshop during my high school computer class. My teacher didn't know the first thing about computers and was not very qualified to teach, so I spent most of my time teaching myself how to use the program. This picture shows giant animals fighting it out to see who will reign supreme. There is nothing significant or important about this image, but while making it I learned how to use lots of tools in the program. I hope I can use these skills to create interesting posts for this class.


Welcome to The Best Blog Ever, the best blog ever created by anyone in the history of the world*. This blog will be used for me to reflect on issues discussed in my class ENG1131 as well as to create my own multimedia forms of writing. In ENG1131 I will be studying the transition underway between literacy and post-literacy in contemporary culture. Throughout the semester I will be posting every Friday as well as doing a Multimedia Blog, a Photoessay, and a Website Portfolio. I also hope to showcase some of the digital media I enjoy creating on a regular basis.  I hope you all have fun reading my posts.
